
Dr. Johanna Witte

Senior Researcher     


Lazarettstr. 67
80636 Munich

Tel.: + 49 (0)89 21234-421
E-Mail: Witte (at)




Johanna Witte studied Economics at the Humboldt University of Berlin and Maastricht University in the Netherlands, graduating with a Master's degree in International Economics. She also holds an MA in International Education from the University of Sussex in England. From 2000 to 2007, she worked at the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) in Gütersloh – first as personal assistant to the director, then as project manager. In 2006, she completed her doctorate at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente in the Netherlands with an international comparative thesis on the change of higher education systems in the course of the Bologna Process. She has been a senior researcher at the IHF since 2007. Since 2023, she is also managing editor of the academic journal “Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung” (“Contributions to higher education research”).

Johanna Witte focuses on qualitative, (international) comparative higher education research and has conducted research on a wide spectrum of topics including the Bologna Process, the transformation of higher education systems, higher education policy and governance, the student experience, curriculum reform, early career researchers and cooperative doctorates. She is currently contributing a study on tenure track professorships in international comparison to the next national report on the situation of early career researchers in Germany (BuWiK) and is involved in the evaluation of the Bavarian Regulation of Remote Examinations (BayFEV).


Current projects


Study "Die Tenure-Track-Professur im internationalen Vergleich" (The tenure-track professorship in international comparison) for the report "Etablierung des Karrierewegs der Tenure-Track-Professur im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem" (Establishment of the career path of the tenure-track professorship in the German higher education system) for the federal report on early career researchers “Wissenschaftler:innen in frühen Karrierephasen (BuWiK) 2025”

Evaluation of the Bavarian Regulation of Remote Examinations (BayFEV)




Selected publications

Witte, J. (2024): Versandeter Prozess? Auf dem Weg zu einem Europäischen Hochschulraum. Forschung & Lehre 6/2024, S. 408-410.

Witte, J. (2023): Higher education, science and the climate crisis. In: Marginson, S., Cantwell, B., Platonova, D. and Smolentseva, A. (Hg.). Assessing the contributions of higher education. S. 89-110. Edward Elgar. Open Access.

Reimer, M., Witte, J., Lenz, T., & Banschbach, V. (2021): Fachkulturen und wissenschaftliche Karrieren. Studie im Rahmen des Bundesberichts Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs (BuWiN) 2021. Berlin: BMBF. 

Witte, J., Sandfuchs, G., Mittag, S. & Brummerloh, S. (2011): Stand und Perspektiven bayerischer Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge. Studien zur Hochschulforschung 82. München: Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung.  

Witte, J. (2009). Parallel universes and common themes: Reforms of curricular governance in the Bologna context. In: Amaral, A.; Neave, G.; Musselin, C.; Maassen, P. (Hrsg.). The European Higher Education Area: Various Perspectives on the Complexities of a Multi-level Governance System. Series: Higher Education Dynamics, Vol. 26, S. 229-256, Springer: Dordrecht.

Witte, J., Huisman, J., und Van der Wende, M. (2008). Blurring boundaries: How the Bologna process changes the relationship between university and non-university higher education in Germany, the Netherlands, and France. Studies in Higher Education 33 (3), 217-231.

Witte, J. (2006). Change of Degrees and Degrees of Change: Comparing Adaptations of European Higher Education Systems in the Context of the Bologna Process. Promotionsschrift. CHEPS/Universität Twente: Enschede.