Senior researchers

Falk, Dr. Susanne
Bavarian Graduate Panel (BAP), Effectiveness of institutional interventions to reduce student drop-out (InMaSS), Success and withdrawal of international students in Germany (SeSaBa), academic careers 
Tel. + 49 (0)89 / 21 234 - 422
Falk (at)

Lenz, Dr. Thorsten
Higher education statistics, governance in higher education, regional aspects of higher education institutions, academic careers
Tel. + 49 (0)89 / 21 234 - 316
Lenz (at)

Reimer, Dr. Maike
Bavarian Graduate Panel and Studies (BAP/BAS), competences and their acquisition, academic careers
Tel. + 49 (0)89 / 21 234 - 315
Reimer (at)

Witte, Dr. Johanna
Bologna process, international comparison of higher education systems, higher education policy and governance, studies and students, academic careers and subject cultures, cooperative doctorate studies
Tel. + 49 (0)89 / 21 234 - 308
Witte (at)

Junior researchers

Burkert, Bianca
Bavarian Graduate Studies (BAS)
Tel. + 49 (0)89 / 21 234 - 408
burkert (at)

Cleve, Christian
Tel. + 49 (0)89 / 21 234 - 425
Cleve (at)

Elhalaby, Christina (parental leave)
Bavarian Graduate Studies (BAS), PRIME
Tel. + 49 (0)89 / 21 234 - 409
Elhalaby (at)

Seedall, Carly
Governance research
Tel. 089 / 21 234 - 426
Seedall (at)